Friday 24 February 2012

Brookes & Burridge in wallpapering pun!

Huge thanks to Simon and Chris for helping wallpaper our chill-out room. You guys rock! :)

Monday 20 February 2012

It's all coming together!

The desks and carpet are in – WHOOP WHOOP! Don’t they look just fabulous?! J

Friday 17 February 2012

How clean is your department?

Afternoon all!

The office move is round the corner and we think it's probably a good idea to get a 'move on' (okay that was bad!) with cleaning up work areas.   

As such, please could we all take 30 minutes this (and subsequent) Friday(s) (until move) to have a tidy up?

Waste paper can go into the recycling bins and any other things into the bin. Please let any of the SHIFT team know if you need more bags and we will endevour to assist! :) 

Tina is arranging crates for storage of items that you would like to take over to the new office but these won’t be available until possibly later next week.  For now perhaps we could start with a general tidy up by disposing of items that we definitely know we don’t want to take over.

Last but no least; the desks are due to go in on Monday (HURRAH!) and the kitchen is now fitted! Our space has changed quite dramatically so we'd really like to get teams over to view it at some point next week. More on this to follow..

Happy disposing! J

Your SHIFT team.