Friday 27 January 2012

Moody....Bored...this should brighten things up a tad!

Here is a sneak peak at the inner workings of a genius - on a Mood Board!
 When you are all relaxing in the oasis that will be our new chillout room just remember that it all started from the image below...

Mood Board

We have been discussing possible themes for the chillout room and above is the one that we have all agreed on which brings together the old, the new, the funky and maybe even something blue...(actually its more of a Teal colour but you know what Im getting at). If any of you come across furniture that fits into the above theme when browsing around the January sales please let us know and that way we can purchase things that will be even more personal to you.

1 comment:

  1. Is any of this up for debate?
    It’s all very Shoreditch. Retro - Load of old junk from a boot sale.
    Maybe we could discuss this in the marketing meeting?

    Also – what part of this chair is cozy?

    Comment from Marketing...

    Requesting that we focus on functionality even more than design ie the table in this pic is too small so it fine for a concept but the actual table should be much larger and perhaps not as robust given the constraints on space!
